Bafgh Steel A4 Rebar

For professionals like you,
we manufacture a reliable product.

Earthquakes, an enduring scar on our nation, Iran. Echoing the names of many cities in our country. From Manjil and Rudbar to Bam, and from Sarpol-e Zahab to Khoy, our fellow countrymen have been victims of severe earthquakes, and the post-earthquake damages have brought bitterness into their lives.

A natural disaster whose prediction is not practically possible; however, the experiences of earthquake-prone countries such as Japan have shown that reducing casualties through the construction of buildings resistant to this powerful force is achievable.

In accordance with that, in this day and age, many reputable professionals and companies prioritize the utilization of the newest technology and high-quality rebars to strengthen their construction projects.

What Is A4 Rebar?

A4 rebar, also known as S500 according to the Iran National Standard, is a type of structural rebar known for its exceptional strength compared to other types of reinforcement bars. In fact, this type of rebar can withstand a minimum of 500 Newtons per square millimeter before yielding. Due to its strength and cost-effectiveness, there has been a growing utilization of this rebar in construction projects.

Optimal Strength


Swift and Precise

Premium Compactness

Optimal Strength

The production and use of A4 rebars in building construction, represent a wise and economically savvy approach to the concerns of professional constructors. With a minimum yield strength of 500 Megapascals compared to 400 Megapascals for A3 (S400) reinforcement bars, A4 rebars exhibit greater strength and are classified as high-strength rebars. In general, the strength of A4 rebars is 25 percent higher than that of other ribbed rebars. Therefore, in constructions where A4 reinforcement bars are utilized, the lower weight of the bars results in a lighter overall building structure.


The high tensile strength of A4 rebars allows for the use of fewer rebars, approximately 20 percent less, in construction projects. As a result, despite the slight price difference compared to A3 rebars, the utilization of A4 rebars in the overall rebar consumption of a structure leads to savings in transportation and implementation costs

To calculate the cost-efficiency of using A4 rebars instead of A3 rebars per kilogram (taking into account the 20 percent decrease in rebar usage and excluding the reduction in transportation costs), you can use the equation below:

Cost of A3 Rebars – (Cost of A3 Rebars × 80%)

Swift and Precise

With the consumption of fewer rebars when applying A4 rebars, the installation speed of the rebar will increase in the project, and the structure will also be lighter. Furthermore, the reduced density in rebar installation will result in a more systematic and simplified concreting process

Premium Compactness

Another advantage of reducing the number of rebars used, due to the higher tensile strength of A4 rebars compared to A3, is the reduction in structural design space, or in technical terms, a decrease in column dimensions, and consequently, an increase in the usable space of the structure.

Always Available

At Bafgh Steel, we leverage the latest technologies and machinery and utilize high-quality arc furnace ingots to produce A4 rebars using the Thermex method. By offering a comprehensive range of products, we aim to address the concerns of all constructors.

Rebars produced in this factory, meeting the highest standards, have earned a place on the vendor lists of major national projects such as the National Iranian Oil Company, refineries, municipalities, and other prominent contractors in the country. This achievement reflects our commitment to quality and has gained the trust and confidence of the public.

To receive counseling or purchase A4 rebars, you can get in touch with our team of sales experts