The judicial deputy of the Attorney General of the country considered the performance of Bafaq Steel Complex to be beyond imagination.

On the sidelines of the visit to the rolling hall, the smelting plant and the direct revitalization of the Bafaq iron and steel mining and industry complex, the judicial deputy of the Attorney General of the country stated that I used to monitor the progress of the Bafaq steel complex from the center like other large steel factories in the country and sometimes I asked them to send me the videos of their progress and today I was able to witness the progress closely, he said: Today I saw more performance here than I thought.

Saeed Omrani said about the program of the judiciary in supporting production and employment: the program of the judiciary in the last few years and before the formation of the resistance economy headquarters was to put the finishing touches on production and every year in line with the slogan of the year with great effort in Implementation of the guidelines of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution and the emphasis of the Head of the Judiciary in the center, the secretariat, and the members of the staff joined hands in order to help as a colleague with the government to make good things happen in the field of production and employment.

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Judicial Deputy of the Prosecutor General of the country

The judicial deputy of the Attorney General of the country added: We hope that in the not too distant future we will enter a flourishing and transformed economy, and after these economic surgeries, the living conditions of the people will be taken into consideration, and the concerns of the people about their livelihoods, problems, and unemployment will be lifted.

“The judicial deputy of the Attorney General of the country considered the performance of Bafaq Steel Complex to be beyond imagination”
– Saeed Omrani

Omrani called the call for recruitment through the holding of tests by Bafaq Iron and Steel Mining and Industry Complex as gratifying news and expressed his hope that soon we will see the completion of work in various parts of this complex and by solving several knots and problems that this complex has go through excellence and transformation and be able to use the quality products that they supply both inside and outside as export and foreign exchange.
He considered it important to support the provincial and city officials for production and to prevent the sale of raw materials and said: Our officials and colleagues in the province are among those who are not ahead of us in supporting production, nor are they behind us, and they are doing this support to all industries. They do.
It should be noted that during this visit, Mohammad Abuei, the chairman of the board of diشrectors of Bafaq Steel, provided the necessary explanations regarding the performance of this complex.